For international participants
Please go to our online registration website to fill your details and pay the appropriate fees.
For participants from the mainland of China
Please download the registration form, and send the filled form to Prof. Yunwei Dong by email or fax +86-29-88431531, with "Subject: QSIC 2012 Registration".
At least one author of each paper (technical track, industry track and workshop) must register at the author rate on or before June 27, 2012 GMT-12 time. Late registration for author will not be accepted. Unregistered papers will be excluded from the conference proceedings.
Each registration entitles the participant to attend all keynote speeches, parallel sessions, workshops, and tutorials. Author and regular registrations include CDR proceedings, lunches, tea breaks, and banquet of the conference. Student registration includes CDR proceedings, lunches and tea breaks.
Registration for Interests of Tutorials and Workshop
When you register, please also indicate your interest in attending the following tutorials or workshop. No extra charge will be incurred. Your indication will help us determine the room capacity and the number of documents to be printed.